
Redfish Candy

Redfish are one of the most popular sport fish in Florida. They put up a good fight, get very large, and when in the slot are a very tasty dish. Mud Minnows (often times called redfish candy) are one of the most effective baits for Redfish. They can be easily obtained and are very hardy when rigged correctly.

Catching Mud Minnows

Mud Minnows get their name from their preferred habitat. They prefer to be in tidal areas that have soft, muddy substrate. They are often found around oyster beds and even in sand flats.

Once an area that is likely to hold mud minnows is found just scanning the area visually will normally find them pretty quickly. The travel in schools and are rather visible in the water. Once located, toss a cast net over them and you will have a full bait bucket in no time.

Using Mud Minnows

The most effective rig with Mud Minnows for redfish is the Fish Finder Rig. The fish finder is the same as a “Carolina Rig” for soft plastic baits. A slidding egg sinker on the main line connected to a swivel with a bead between (to protect the knot from the sinker). A 2/0 circle hook attacked to a 3-4’ 20lb test fluorocarbon leader.

Soak the mud minnow in a area likely to have redfish pass through. Passes, canals, navigational cuts are all good places to start!

Now get out there and feed those redfish some candy!